Unless you are a well skilled Tropico player we recommend that you leave them at the default settings, which are: The next screen you encounter is where you actually put in the starting settings for your campaign play - which includes the Economic Difficulty, Political Difficulty, and Disasters Rate. The following screen is purely appearance - and once you have completed your decisions with respect to the settings, the game campaign and story mode begins with a cut scene setting the stage for your Colonial island nation. Cheapskate (All constructions are 4% cheaper).Celebrity (Foreign aid increased by 10%).Altruist (Grants $2,000 bonus starting money).Agitator (Converts 2 votes when cheating on elections).Agent (Detects hidden roles in Tropico 20% faster).Administrator (Service buildings construction costs decreased by 10%).General (All Tropico soldiers inflict 2% more damage).Foreman (Global effectiveness of production buildings increased by 2).