Blackness and value seeing double pdf
Blackness and value seeing double pdf

blackness and value seeing double pdf

Yet while the body is understood as a given, it is also socially inscribed: heavily sexualized, gendered, and even “colored.” This article is about African bodies that are colored Black.

blackness and value seeing double pdf blackness and value seeing double pdf


Skin color is broadly accepted as a conspicuous marker of difference and racial belonging. In the light of the evidence gathered, the following themes are interrelated: racist and sexist stereotypes of women are used in the sex industry traditional patriarchal culture plays a role in reproducing female passivity and submission racialised and ethnicised groups are prone to experience violence in all its forms, sexual exploitation being one of them. My own scholarly interest in nationalism (state building and nation formation) has led me to turn towards racism and ethnicity and by looking at the empirical ground of such concepts these are constructed symbolically and objectively with sexuality. social and cultural implications of race, racism and nationalism. The coinage of ‘ethnosexuality’ by Joane Nagel is indeed useful, as sex and sexuality are not detached from the. Racism affects women differently than men. In this article, I argue that racial and ethnic women are likely exposed to trafficking due to (1) structural poverty and marginalisation and (2) sexual violence is a common fact in domestic and social realms of socially excluded women and men. By so doing, I will demonstrate that under the novel's numerous layers lies Erdrich's core denunciation: the complex and unfair long-process situation of (neo)colonialism that Native Americans still endure in the 21st century. The purpose of this paper is precisely to explore the figure of the protagonist from the perspective of perpetrator trauma-a neglected approach by critics-through a non-Eurocentric viewpoint in line with the current tendency of the decolonization of trauma studies. victim/victimizer dichotomy by including a protagonist who is simultaneously a victim and a perpetrator traumatized by his own acts. The novel's interest also lies in how Erdrich problematizes the stereotypes traditionally attached to Indians as well as the. Louise Erdrich's The Round House (2012) is not only an original detective novel but a moving postcolonial narrative which denounces the individual and collective trauma that sexism, gender violence and racism cause to Native American communities in the USA. Following from the work of Lindon Barrett, it goes on to consider how being attuned to the binaries of value and the ways in which those binaries are valorized through structures of violence might allow for a way of thinking about the invaluable, or the outside of value, and how the lives of women in the life are informed by that knowledge even when, and perhaps because, they are at such close proximity to death. Accordingly, the article considers how black women “in the life,” women who are involved in drug use and prostitution, women who are, ultimately, the most literal embodiment of the “nappy-headed ho,” become the targets of a form of racialized gender violence that never merits anything like the kind of attention the Rutgers women received.

blackness and value seeing double pdf

It suggests that, rather than weeding out white racism, the most significant implication of the Imus moment was that it highlighted how stereotype discourse-discussions about how stereotypes necessarily harm those they target-can and often does structurally undergird the same type of harm it otherwise purports to advocate against. This article uses the occasion of the Don Imus dustup in 2007, in which the radio shock jock became the subject of intense public censure after referring to the Rutgers women’s basketball team as “nappy-headed hos” on air, to consider both the ramifications and the conditions of possibility of that particular configuration of terms.

Blackness and value seeing double pdf